LHC R&D systems
Cooling R&D systems
Documents related to the Cooling of the Electronics
Gas systems
Cooling R&D Systems:
- Leakless v.1 - LabSystem units
- Leakless v.2 - Design and test
- Leakless v.2 - CERES / NA45 TPC Cooling
- Leakless v.2 - ATLAS / TRT and CMS / MSGC Cooling Unit
- Leakless v.2 - Cooling Unit for Niobium Deposit on Superconducting RF Cavities
- CMS - Silicon Tracker Cooling Test - Cooling Unit
- STAR/FTPC - Cooling Unit
- ATLAS TILE - Cooling Unit for the Calibration
- ATLAS TILE - Cooling Unit for the Test Beam
- Foreseen Layout in UX 15
- Full Scale Test in Bd. 185
- COMPASS - Cooling of the Electronics
- ATLAS / TRACKER - Evaporative Cooling Phase II Test
- ATLAS / TRACKER - Evaporative Cooling Unit for RAL
- ALICE / Silicon Pixel Detector - Small Evaporative Cooling Unit for Padua INFN
- ATLAS / TRT - C6F14 Monophase Cooling Station for CERN test
- ATLAS / ID - Cold C6F14 Monophase Cooling Station for CERN test
- ATLAS / Cooling Work Package Page for File Exchange
- CMS / Mobile Cooling Unit for ECAL
Related Documents to the Cooling of Electronics in LHC Experiments:
Fluorocarbon evaporative cooling developments for the ATLAS Tracker (Snowmass paper - 09/99).pdf
'Short-loop circulation system' for ATLAS Pixel cooling with C4F10 as refrigerant
Concept of refrigeration circuit design for CMS Tracker Cooling
- Measured Heat Transfer Coefficient with fluorocarbons.pdf (extract from Progress in Evaporative Cooling for the Pixel and SCT Detectors - ATLAS - 09/99)
Results and Planning for ATLAS Phase 2 evaporative cooling - 09/99.pdf
Liquid Cooling Systems for LHC Detectors (Snowmass paper - 09/99) .pdf
Recent Modification and Test of the SCT & Pixel Evaporative Cooling System for ATLAS.pdf (IDSG May 2000)
Perfluorocarbons and their use in Cooling Systems for Semiconductor Particle Detectors.pdf
A proposal for improving the thermal design of the ATLAS SCT end-caps.pdf
- Development of Fluorocarbon Evaporative Cooling Recirculators and Controls for the ATLAS Inner Silicon Tracker.pdf (paper presented at the LEB2000 - 6th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments - September 2000 - Cracow, Poland)
- A monophase cooling system for detector front-end electronic - The example of the ATLAS TRT Detector.pdf (paper presented at the LEB2000 - 6th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments - September 2000 - Cracow, Poland)
- Development of Fluorocarbon Evaporative Cooling Recirculators and Controls for the ATLAS Inner Silicon Tracker.pdf (paper presented at the 2000 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference - October 2000 - Lyon, France)
ALICE - Requirements to the Cooling of the ITS.pdf Gert-Jan Nooren 22/05/2001
- Studies for a Detector Control System for the ATLAS Pixel Detector.pdf (paper presented at the LEB2001 - 7th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments - September 2001 - Stockholm, Sweden).
- Performance and Tests of the Cooling System for the ATLAS Tile Hadron Calorimeter modules calibrations. Document ATL-TILECAL-2001-006
Study of the air temperature and velocity around the ATLAS muon chambers.ppt
Thermal performance measurements on ATLAS-SCT KB forward modules.pdf
Development and test of the cooling system for the ATLAS Hadron Tile Calorimeter (Gerolf's thesis)