S. Grohmann
General space conditions in the CMS experimental
and service caverns are shown in figure 1 and figure
2. The area for cooling and ventilation services is situated at the
left end of USC 55 (figure. 2). Services are provided to the experimental
cavern through the access tunnels UL 551
UL 553. The C6F14 cooling racks
are located in UXC 55 beside the experiment at the inner and outer side
of the tunnel circumference.
The maximum distance between the locations of cold
generation (USC 55) and cold consumption (UXC 55) is about 120 m horizontal
and 12 m vertical.
Because of the long distance between the installations a decision has to be taken whether a direct evaporation circuit or a secondary circuit system shall be installed. Although this is basically a question of economic optimization some technical peculiarities have to be considered as well.
The advantage of the direct evaporation system is
that temperature differences to a secondary circuit can be avoided and
fluid and suction line don't have to be insulated (the installation of
an internal heat exchanger provided).
On the other hand, pressure drops, especially in
the suction line, have a considerable influence to the efficiency and special
measures have to be taken to guarantee a safe oil return and lubrication
of the compressors.
Direct evaporation systems with distances of 50
80 m are industrial standard applications, e.g. in supermarkets and cold
stores. The extension to about 120 m for CMS tracker cooling doesn't affect
the technical solution as long as recommended velocities and resulting
pressure drops lead to a reasonable result.
The advantage of secondary circuit systems is that
the refrigerating machine can be designed as a compact unit and the hydraulic
design of the secondary circuit is as easy as for heating systems, which
is particularly favorable in part-load operation.
However, additional temperature differences and
pumping capacity are not negligible in terms of efficiency and all secondary
fluid pipes have to be insulated.
In the following chapters basic design parameters of 3 alternative concepts are presented in order to identify an optimum technical solution.
Refrigeration Capacity | 50 kW |
Modularity (No. of Racks in UXC 55) | 2 |
Working Fluid | C6F14 |
Inlet / Outlet Temperatures | -17 / -20 °C |
Heat Sink | Water |
Inlet / Outlet Temperatures | 13 / 19 °C |
The compressor group consists of e.g. 3 compressors
operating in parallel.
The common discharge line leads to an oil-separator
/ oil-receiver. The combination of oil-separator and liquid level controlled
oil-receiver guarantees the safe lubrication of the compressors at any
operating condition.
The pressurized refrigerant is condensed in a water-cooled
condenser. The liquid is accumulated in a refrigerant receiver that operates
under saturation conditions and balances different heat exchanger fillings
at varying operating conditions. The downstream water-cooled heat exchanger
provides sub-cooling to avoid boiling caused by pressure drops in the fluid
Inside the C6F14 cooling racks, which are thermally
insulated and vapor-tight, the refrigerant is further sub-cooled by the
internal heat exchanger before it is expanded to the evaporating pressure
/ temperature and injected into the evaporator. After dry evaporation (superheating)
the suction gas is further superheated above the cavern dew point at the
other side of the internal heat exchanger before it enters the suction
line in the cavern.
The suction line is designed to ensure the return of the oil fraction that is not separated and therefore circulating in the circuit (usually <<1 %). The oil is transported as a film at the inner tube surface and in form of small drops in the vapor stream. The transport, especially in vertical parts, requires a minimum vapor velocity of 7 12 m/s and appropriated oil with low viscosity at the operating temperature (see chapter 3.2). In addition, horizontal tube sections are laid with a declination of about 5 % and vertical sections can be split (parallel tubes with different cross-sections) to assure minimum speed at part-load operation. Another safe solution is to install an oil-trap at the bottom of the 12 m vertical section. From there the oil is returned to the oil-receiver by a float-controlled pump in a discontinuous way.
Synthetic ester oils (polyolester) have been developed as lubricant for HFC blends. These oils do not mix with R404A over the whole application range (see figure 4). However, they have no solubility limits within the evaporating temperature range, which is important for the oil return in the suction line. The solution of refrigerant in the oil reduces its viscosity and improves its flow behavior.
The total refrigerant charge for the direct evaporation system is approximately 100 130 l. The oil charge is in the order of 50 100 l.
The choice of the compressor technology depends basically
on the delivery capacity (compressor displacement) that is required. Typical
ranges of scroll, piston and screw compressors are given in table 2.
The number of compressors should be chosen as a function
of the minimum capacity requested and the minimum part-load operation of
the special compressor type. Common solutions for compressor capacity control
are cylinder shut off, pole changing control and frequency conversion.
The minimum part-load operation has to be studied in a detailed design.
Speed control via frequency conversion should be
applied for a smooth adaptation of capacity.
Cold Fluid |
Inlet / Outlet Temperature [°C] |
Mass Flow Rate [kg/s] |
Operating Pressure [bar] |
Pressure Drop [kPa] |
Hot Fluid |
Inlet / Outlet Temperature [°C] |
Mass Flow Rate [kg/s] |
Operating Pressure [bar] |
Pressure Drop [kPa] |
Capacity [kW] |
Type (Alfa Laval) / No. of Plates |
Heat Transfer Area [m2] |
Height [mm] |
Width [mm] |
Depth [mm] |
Mass Flow Rate | 0.326 kg/s |
Length | 120 m |
Height Difference | 12 m |
No. of Bends | 20 |
Additional z-Value | 20 |
Diameter | 28 mm |
Velocity | 0.5 m/s |
Dynamic Pressure Drop | 0.271 bar |
Static Pressure Drop | -1.230 bar |
Total Pressure Drop | -0.959 bar |
Mass Flow Rate | 0.326 kg/s |
Min. Part-Load Operation | 12.5 % |
Length | 120 m |
Height Difference | 12 m |
No. of Bends | 20 |
No. of Valves | 2 |
No. of Filters | 1 |
Additional z-Value | 50 |
DN Horizontal Tube | 89 mm |
Velocity Horizontal Tube | 9 m/s |
DN Vertical Tube 1 | 80mm |
Velocity Vertical Tube 1 | 10 m/s |
DN Vertical Tube 1 | 28 mm |
Velocity Vertical Tube 1 | 6 m/s |
Pressure Drop | 0.265 bar |
Saturation Temperature Drop | 3.5 K |
The R404A unit works with dry evaporation. In contrast to the direct evaporating circuit the installation of an oil-separator is only necessary if screw compressors are used. Further, the installation of an internal heat exchanger doesn't have any advantage.
The liquid coolant is cooled in the R404A evaporator and pumped to the racks in UXC 55 where it cools the C6F14 in a liquid / liquid heat exchanger. Pipe temperatures are below the dew point and have to be insulated for that reason.
Liquid coolants for low temperature applications
can be brines, aqueous solutions of alcohol or organic carbon compounds.
Calculations have been done with the product Ò
PEKASOL 50, which is a brine of organic salts. It is commonly used
and combines good thermodynamic properties with corrosion protection, environmental
compatibility and foodstuff unobjectionability. A solution of 80 Vol.%
in water is frost-proof until 34°C.
With respect to the tube dimensions (see 4.3.3 )
the total charge of cooling brine is about 850 l.
Other secondary fluids like Ò
TYFOXIT, which is potassium formiate based, could be used as well.
Cold Fluid |
Inlet / Outlet Temperature [°C] |
Mass Flow Rate [kg/s] |
Operating Pressure [bar] |
Pressure Drop [kPa] |
Hot Fluid |
Inlet / Outlet Temperature [°C] |
Mass Flow Rate [kg/s] |
Operating Pressure [bar] |
Pressure Drop [kPa] |
Capacity [kW] |
Type (Alfa Laval) / No. of Plates |
Heat Transfer Area [m2] |
Height [mm] |
Width [mm] |
Depth [mm] |
The hydraulic design of the secondary circuit, as shown in figure 6, comprises design of tube dimensions for the supply and return line to UXC 55 (section 1) and the supply and return lines to the C6F14 cooling racks (section 2).
Results of the pressure drop calculation and performance
data for the pump are presented in table 7.
Volume Flow Rate | 15 m3/h | 7.5 m3/h |
Pressure Drop Heat Exchanger | 32.7 kPa | 31.7 kPa |
Tube Length | 240 m | 10 m |
No. of Bends | 20 | 4 |
No. of Valves | 3 | 3 |
Additional z-Value | 100 | 20 |
Diameter | DN 64 | DN 42 |
Velocity | 1.3 m/s | 1.5 m/s |
Total Pressure Drop | 6.04 bar | |
Pump Pressure Head | 50 m | |
Pump Capacity | 3.2 kW |
Ambient Temperature / Humidity | 26.0 °C / 40 % |
Dew Point Temperature | 11.3 °C |
Line Temperature | -25.0 °C |
Thermal Conductivity - Insulation | 0.0361 W/mK |
Surface Coefficient - External | 9.0 W/m2K |
Recommended Insulation Thickness | 9 12 mm |
Insulation Thickness | 15 mm |
Surface Temperature | 16.7 °C |
Heat Losses | 6.7 kW |
Results after 10 Years: | |
Thermal Conductivity Insulation | 0.0464 W/mK |
Surface Temperature | 14.6 °C |
Heat Losses | 8.3 kW |
The use of these advantages requires, however, a higher effort of installations but economic viability in comparison to conventional secondary circuits can be achieved in this capacity range.
Important concentration thresholds are:
- normal concentration in air: 0.03 Vol.%
- headache / respiration disturbance: 3
5 Vol.%
- cramps / faint: 8
10 Vol.%
- TLV: 0.5 Vol.%
With respect to the tube dimensions (see chapter 5.3) and the receiver volume the total CO2 charge is about 150 kg.
The water-cooled condenser can be designed as shell-and-tube heat exchanger, the flooded evaporator as plate heat exchanger. The R404A receiver-separator unit is a specially designed pressure vessel.
Tubes of the CO2 circuit can be considerably smaller in comparison to the conventional secondary circuit. Assuming average velocities of 2 m/s the diameter of the supply line can be reduced from DN 64 to DN 15 and the return line from DN 64 to DN 20.
Insulation of tubes is necessary to avoid condensation. The thickness of the material is 13 mm (compare to table 8).
The pump capacity is reduced proportionally to the
flow rate of the secondary fluid (assuming same pressure drops in the system).
This means a reduction to less than 10 % of the pump capacity that is needed
for the conventional secondary circuit.
The appropriate pump technology for this kind of
application is side-channel pumps. They are self-priming, have extremely
low NPSH values and are able to handle two-phase flow with up to 50 % vapor.
A suction head >1 m is required, however.
The control of the CO2 circuit is done in a similar way to the standard secondary circuit. Flow rates through the C6F14 heat exchangers are adapted according to the C6F14 inlet temperature. Variable flow pumps or a by-pass system as described in figure 6 could be applied.
The safety system for the CO2 circuit needs special care. The maximum pressure is limited to 25 bar, which allows the use of standard components. This pressure corresponds to a saturation temperature of about 11 °C.
In case the cold generation fails the CO2 pressure rises continuously. As the pressure reaches the set-point of the safety valve the circuit is constantly emptied through a relief line until only superheated CO2 vapor remains. This might be the biggest disadvantage of the system, especially for machines in stand-by mode that might be installed for redundancy reasons.
In addition, CO2 detectors in combination with warning and alarm devices have to be installed in the tunnel area.
In a refrigerating machine there are a couple of factors that could cause a failure of the system. Standard components normally have a high reliability but their MTBF values (mean time between failures) have to be considered, nevertheless. On the other hand, the loss of refrigerant caused by leaks, which is at least not unusual, is not affected by the components themselves. The implementation of e.g. additional compressors or control valves in the same circuit wouldn't lead to any redundancy in this case.
This example illustrates that the design of a redundant system has to be done in a careful way taking into account specific component and system parameters as well. Further studies are necessary in this field.