M. Bosteels, G. Hallewell, J. Inigo-Golfin (ST/CV) and M. Santos
J. Inigo-Golfin presented the current status of space occupancy in USA15 and in particular the available space for the 7 compressor units of the Inner Tracker Cooling System.
The available space is a 3m ´ 4.5m ´ 5m volume at the farthest end of level 1 of USA15 as shown below:
A suggested possibility to accommodate the compressors and the condenser in that volume would be as follows:
G. Hallewell expressed the need to find space to accommodate 7 racks of control electronics as close as possible to the corresponding compressors so as to minimize electromagnetic radiation due to frequency conversion, while ensuring noise insulation from the compressors for human intervention.
J. Inigo-Golfin presented the list of responsible people
for EUCLIDE integration work within the other services occupying USA15:
Andre CASTEL from EST/LEA for Gas systems
Salvatore DI PIETRO from EST/LEA for electrical cables
Michel DELIDAIS from ST/EL for power electronics
Mauro NONIS from ST/CV for water supply piping (?)
Friedrich HAUG from LHC/ECR for cryogenic systems
Herman TEN KATE from EP/ATI for Magnets
Integration contact person:
Fulvio GALEAZZI or