3- Tests and results on heat transfer of ATLAS Si.
4- Pipe cabling.
5- AOB.
Short Summary:
A comparative and very detailed study was
made on the different types of water cooled power cables. It seems that
the system of cooling with water is the most interesting, and for these
cables in his case, will be of a special construction.
Since 2 years, Geneva University has carried
out tests which have made available a technology which will promote heat
transfer and thermal stability of the SCT barrel for ATLAS; carbon structure,
heat transfer plate in TPG, oval and sliding exchanger, Leakless system
with a mixture of water/methanol are the main thermal characteristics with
the Si modules stabilized at -5oC with the incoming fluid at -14oC.
Presented also where the main details
of a cooling circuit which allows a lot of freedom in the design of piping,
and which gives a good distribution of fluid travelling through the different
channels. The principle characteristics are the conveying of pressurised
fluids, reduction of pressure through the entrance capillaries, and a sub
atmospheric pressure in the exchangers. This kind of circuit is applicable
for any fluid.
Detailed Minutes:
1- Approval of the previous set of minutes:
As the minutes of the previous meeting
were not available, there are no comments to be made.
2- Water- cooled power cables:
It is largely admitted in LHC experiments
that each sub-detector should have a zero thermal balance and this applies
also to their power supply cables travelling through other sub-detectors,
which dissipate by the Joule effect a considerable power. Therefore, a
certain number of cables will be cooled and E.Hodin is working on this
problem for the CMS ECAL detector, which is situated relatively near to
the center of the experiment (Figure 8-2-1)
. A complete report on this was given. Each low voltage bunch powering
the 36 modules for the ECAL will dissipate 550[W] and it is foreseen to
cool them down at room temperature until their entry into HCAL (Figure
8-2-2) . The other characteristics are a density of 250[A/cm2] and
an admissible electric loss of 0.05[V/m].A considerable number of solutions
have been envisaged:
Cooling system: Distilled water with copper conductors and Polymide insulation,
or Liquid Nitrogen with conductors of Aluminium and vacuum insulation.
Cable section: Standard stores cables with small section or special cables
with a very large section.
Geometry: Tubular channels, rectangular channels, coaxial bunching of 5
or 10 cables, bus-bar and hollow conductors (Figure
8-2-4) .
All the different configurations are grouped together in Table
8-2-1 , and Table 8-2-2 shows the
section in of cables used by the cooled bunch, following the option chosen,
with the distribution between the conductor, cooling and insulation.
It seems that we do not gain very much with cooling by Liquid Nitrogen
and it is evident that it would be more expensive to use this instead of
cooling with water.
On paper, the most interesting solutions appears to be the bus-bar
or hollow conductors, but we now must envisage the problems of manufacture
and cost in industry. This is the next step for the CMS/ECAL group.
3- Tests and results on heat transfer
of ATLAS Si:
P.Bouvier and B.Vuaridel presented the first results of tests carried out
by Geneva on the cooling of the SCT barrel of ATLAS (note that the options
are not always ATLAS baseline choices). Their presentation was in fact
a summary of a technical note (INDET-No-166) available from ATLAS.
At the same time that they developed a prototype for the SCT barrel
(Figure 8-3-1) , the Geneva team started, about
2 years ago, cooling tests on the Si modules (Figure
8-3-2) . The idea was to study and to validate the solution of cooling
(~-10oC) keeping in mind the very large dimensional stability
necessary for the SCT barrel. The test installation consists of a Leakless
circuit connected to a fridge unit with measurements of flow rate, pressures
and temperatures (Figure 8-3-3) . A test trial
began using prototype tubes of 1m long at room temperature continuing in
a cold enclosure regulated to -10oC with a real module 1.6m
long (Figure 8-3-4) The first measurements were carried out on a round Aluminium tube of
3[mm] OD, 2.6[mm] ID and 1[m] long with a power of 40[W] followed by an
oval tube 9.2X2[mm] OD, 0.25[mm] thickness, 1.6[m] length and 60[W] (Figure
8-3-5) . The fluid used was a mixture of demineralized water plus 33%
glycol. The differences in behavior between the round and oval tubes are
shown in Figure 8-3-6 ; the DT
corresponds to a difference in temperature of the liquid between the entrance
and the exit. The round tube shows an abrupt change of efficiency corresponding
to the change from laminar to turbulent flow; the oval tube stays with
laminar flow and with a better efficiency in this zone because of a bigger
exchange surface. It is all the more important that , to work with a Leakless
system, a limit must be put on the pressure drop (we allow in general 200[mbar]
for the exchanger), hence the flow rate. However, we note that the tube
dimensions mentioned above proved to be too small as the viscosity of the
water/glycol mixture (Table 8-3-1) was underestimated
and caused a too high pressure drop. Afterwards, a mixture of water/methanol
24% (Table 8-3-2) was used giving a much
higher flow.
There are the results obtained with the oval tune of 1.6[m] and with
a charge of 60[W]:
Tin [oC]
Tout [oC]
Tair [oC]
Flow [l/h]
DP [mbar]
DT [oC]
DTth [oC]
It is noted that the DT measured are very near
the calculated ones (DTth) and that
the flow measurements are now made through the DT,
as the flowmeter with Pelton wheel had many problems at low temperature.
The behavior of the pressure drop on the same tube with the mixture
water/methanol at different temperature is shown in Figure
8-3-7 .
From these tests it is evident that the oval tube should have interior
dimensions of 2X8.75[mm] to meet conditions of 200[mbar] of pressure drop
with the water/methanol mixture.
The team is also involved in studying carefully the heat transfer within
the Si module and has tested different configurations and different materials.
The best result were obtained with TPG TC1050 (see CWG
Minutes#5 , point 4) as sandwich material, and with a Goretex blanket
(Figure 8-3-8) . The distribution of temperatures
in the module is shown in Figure 8-3-9 .
Also used in the tests was the grease used for contact purposes, which
permitted the shrinking of the cooling tube, without disturbing the Si
modules fixed on their carbon structure. A Silicone Dow Corning 340 grease,
with a thermal conductivity of 0.84[W/m.K], was selected and put through
a series of radiation tests without showing any specific changes.
These tests, therefor gave the Geneva team the opportunity to validate
the structure, various materials and the Leakless cooling system for Si
modules mounted on their carbon fiber supports.
At the moment the team is testing a group of 8 prototype modules in
the cold room in order to optimize the manifolding which would distribute
well the cooling fluid between the different tubes. Later on, the prototype
will go through full metrology tests at the moment of cooling from room
temperature to -15oC to control its stability. Corrosion tests
are also foreseen as nothing has been done yet on this subject.
4- Pipe cabling:
M.Bosteels presented a design of cooling circuitry intented to be used
in large detectors, which allows a very large flexibility for the pipe
and tube installations. This type of circuitry is presently used for the
liquid radiator for the barrel RICH of DELPHI. It consists of bringing
the fluid under pressure right up to the entrance of the detector and to
reduce the pressure through capillaries to a negative value inside the
detector. The exchangers in the electronic are working at subatmospheric
pressure, but the capillaries give a very great freedom in the pipe layout.
Nevertheless, the return of the fluid remains a delicate point, as the
air-pockets must be avoided and that the pressure drop is relatively limited
Figure 8-4) .
The type of circuit has enomous advantages:
The capillaries will have good balance and be individually adjusted (or
stopped) for each module.
It will not be necessary to purge.
In case of an electrical failure, the circuit will be entirely on negative
pressure (if the supply of the fluid comes from below).
The leak rate can be checked by the pump that regulates the pressure of
the supply tank, monitoring with this method the ageing of the system.
This circuitry is used with a traditional fluid (water + antifreeze) but
can also function in the biphase mode (liquid + gas) with perfluorocarbone
5- AOB:
It was discussed of a heat transfer fluid,
Syltherm XLT. A certain amount of transfer fluid exists on the market and
a 3M document makes comparisons between their performances as compared
to other traditional fluids Table 8-5.pdf
As this was the last meeting before the summer break, M.Bosteels expressed
his wishes that the Cooling Working Group, without changing its interests
and advisory role, will start to look more seriously to R&D. This will
of course need more personnel and material. It is up to each individual
to give thoughts to these questions.
The next meeting will take place in September;
the date and agenda have not yet been aranged.