Cooling Working Group (CWG) Minutes #7

Date of the meeting:
Place of the meeting:
40 R-A10
D.Bloess, P.Bonneau, M.Bosteels, A.Carraro, G.Dumont, P.Fontaine, J.Godlewski, C.Gregory, J.Gulley, M.Hatch, E.Hodin, A.Krivchitch, R.MacKenzie, T.Niinikoski, B.Righini, W.Van Sprolant, V.Vogt (Elcotron SA)


Short Summary:
Results from the tests carried out by ECP/ESS/GI show that if necessary (environment, thermal capacity, etc.), direct liquid cooling can be employed with the electronics racks, but there are certain details to be worked out in practice before full-scale use can be contemplated.
With its long experience in Leakless Cooling System, PNPI proposed to produce electronics racks for ATLAS with their cooling system and was ready to provide prototypes before the end of the year.

Detailed Minutes:

No comments.

G.Dumont delivered a full report on initial results from ECP's tests on direct water cooling of electronics boards. For reasons already discussed under item 2 of the preceding meeting (meeting#6 16/04/97) ATLAS had requested the ECP/ESS/GI section to study a system of liquid cooling as applied to standard electronics modules, to compare its effectiveness with that of conventional forced air ventilation and finally, to study its impact on such modules. Potential users of the application were all the LHC experiments, on the racks in the control rooms and the main underground areas, but also on the electronics "mounted" on the detectors.

To run these tests the section fitted a 19"-38U standard rack with a Leakless water cooling system, which distributed the water over cooling screens via a primary exchanger ( Figure7-1 and Figure7-2 ). Two standard CERN VMEbus Type V430 crates were installed in the rack, to which were connected module boards with a 62[W] charge, i.e. with a thermal flux of approx. 0.2[W/cm2]. The boards were fitted with temperature probes in different positions, as indicated in Figure7-3 . On each board a DATE type aluminium cooling screen was mounted, secured on it by spacer studs ( Figure7-4 ), water being circulated over the screens from in front ( Figure7-5 ). Water was circulated at approx. 16deg.C for an ambient temperature of 23deg.C. The water flowrate on each board was 0.5[l/mn].

-Tests without ventilation systems
-Tests with standard ventilation systems
-Tests with water-cooled screens:
- Screen on electronic components side:
-Without thermal paste
-Varying distance
-With paste
-Variable paste thickness
- Screen on soldered side:
-Without thermal paste
-With thermal paste
No cooling
Without Silicone rubber
No pressure
Forced air cooling
With Silicone rubber
No pressure
Without Silicone rubber
With pressure
With Silicone rubber
With pressure

As the aim of the liquid cooling technique is to keep heat dispersal to the ambient air to a minimum, ECP also joined up with the power supply manufacturers (Wiener and WES-Crates) to develop water-cooled units. As a first prototype Wiener simply took the power module cooled by indirect exchange ( Figure 7-12 ) and tested it on the rack's LCS circuit ( Figure 7-13 ). Numerous temperature probes to measure the various transfers are positioned in the power supply which is placed in an insulated enclosure; to appreciate the true effectiveness of the absorbed system an evaluation was made of the power input. Results given in Table 7-14 and Figure 7-14 show that the cooling efficiency is only 57.5%, which is far too low. A second Wiener prototype has been delivered and is under test, with the aim of achieving complete cooling of the supply and an efficiency of 90%.

The tests show that the direct cooling technique for electronics boards is, as forecast (see item 3, minutes of meeting#6 16/04/97 ), really effective and can be used to replace the system of cooling by fans. At the same time the tests have also raised certain problems regarding implementation of the technique - leaks onto screens and thus buckling of the screen, how heat seals are to be used and contact with heat seal components; before the approach can be used on a large scale these problems must be resolved.
As a next step, ECP must now test boards in their true configuration (components of various sorts with non-uniform heat flux) and determine the best configuration for cooling screens (soldered or component sides, with or without heat seals). Also in the programme are tests on modified Wiener and WES suppplies and tests in magnetic fields.
As mentioned above, the purpose of the exercise is to succeed in drawing off 90% of the heat from a rack in water and at all events to provide those in charge of air conditioning in the control rooms with exact figures for dispersal to the ambient air.
In the subsequent discussion, a number of points were raised:

A.Krivchitch began by pointing out St. Petersburg 's long experience with Leakless cooling systems. It had supplied all the L3 racks built following the model using air/water exchangers supplied with Leakless and distributed between the crates; and had also built cooling systems for DESY with mixed pressure/Leakless systems. In the future, PNPI proposed to produce electronics racks for ATLAS with their cooling system and was ready to provide 3 prototypes (1 single and 1 double rack) before the end of the year.
The statement related more specifically to the structure of control systems designed for managing 1 or more racks (see Figure 7-16 ).


The next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 17/06/97, Building 40, room S-A01 from 2.p.m. to


1- Approval of the previous set of minutes.
2- Water cooled power cables.
3- Tests and results on heat transfer of ATLAS Si.
4- Pipe cabling.
5- AOB.
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