Minutes Cooling Working Group (CWG) #2

Date of the meeting:
Place of the meeting:
40 RA10
P.Bonneau, M.Bosteels, A.Carraro, G.Dumont, R.Gregory, M.Hatch, E.Hodin, M.Lebeau, R.Loos, R.MacKenzie, A.Onnela, E.Perrin, P.Petagna, A.Placci, W.Van Sprolant, V.Vacek.


Short Summary:

The operating principles of various relevant cooling systems were presented, and two families identified:
- fluid circulation systems, based on positive or sub-atmospheric pressure making use of the specific heat of fluids (systems using binary ice are in this family).
-evaporative systems employing the vaporization heat of a fluid.
Accent was placed on the fact that, irrespective of the basic system decided on in detector design, pipes have to be arranged horizontally and as straight as possible so as to leave room for different alternatives.

Detailed Minutes:
After comments by R. Gregory and M. Hatch paragraph 6-AOB was rewritten as follows:
M. Hatch presented Atlas's overall cooling circuit diagram and pointed out that, in general, CERN (i.e. ST/CV) would be responsible for it up to the primary exchangers (cold side) in the main cavern. The secondary circuits, including the heat exchangers, to the detector electronics or other heat sources, were the entire responsibility of each of the collaborations responsible for their own detectors. It was up to them to call in outside assistance.
As representative of the Alice Infrastructure Group, R. Gregory explained that they will support the cooling systems for the Detector.
Many were interested in the binary ice system and a presentation by the Atlas Rutherford Group as part of their TDR was planned for the near future.
M.Bosteels reviewed the operating principles of the various systems that could be used for cooling detector electronics.
Leaving aside forced air systems which clearly can no longer cope with the power dissipation on the scale announced, we can group the systems under two major families: fluid circulation systems, and those based on evaporation.
Such systems use the specific heat of fluids in circulation to convey heat from the warm (secondary exchanger) to the cold side (primary exchanger). Even if the latent heat of fusion is also used, the binary ice system can also be included under this heading as the circuit design must be based on the same principles.
Three systems of this type have been explained:
This system is the best known as it is typically the central heating system used in homes; as it is a closed system it carries with it certain problems:
- It must be linked to another pressurized circuit so that it can be refilled;
- It must withstand pressure differences and so must have an expansion tank and safety valve.
- Venting is not easy and if there are significant height differences in the system, each high point must have a bleed.
- For the same reason, draining can be complicated if the pipes are not straight.
The fluid flows from an atmospheric pressure tank, it is easy to vent and needs no extra chambers. It allows for some flexibility in circuit design and the part that is higher than the supply tank goes into sub-atmospheric pressure when the pump is not running.
The supply tank must hold enough water to fill the entire circuit.
Emptying it presents the same constraints as a conventional pressure circuit.
Fluid is circulated through an atmospheric pressure tank and the circuit has an active venting device in the form of a vacuum pump. That part of the circuit situated between the tank and the bleed is subject to sub-atmospheric pressure if the pump is of the right size, which has the added bonus that no fluid is discharged if there is a leak in this part. This permits disconnection of the various components of the circuit without stopping it.
Its most serious shortcoming is the maximum total pressure loss (theoretically of 1 bar, 700 mbar in practice) in the "leakless" portion of the circuit.
There are no venting problems but as with the other two circuits, airlocks should be avoided for draining.
The tank can be refilled using an automatic filling system..
Such systems use the latent heat from evaporation of a fluid to transmit heat and would be particularly appropriate for detectors operating at temperatures lower than 0°C.
Two types of circuit can be considered:
Cold production is based on the principle of compression and expansion of fluids chosen for their stability characteristics, such as C6F14 or C5F12, that can be used at sub-atmospheric pressures. This system has a great heat exchange capacity because it uses the latent heat of evaporation of a fluid ( in the 90[kJ/kg] range as compared with the 4[kJ/kg.K] of the specific heat of water) and theoretically can have a 0 temperature gradient.
Its practicability with large detectors still remains to be shown because it is hard to set up.
Problems encountered include:
-The length of the circuit in a major detector (~50m) unusual for such systems.
- The difficulty of regulating fluid evaporation over the entire length of the exchange pipe and several exchanges mounted in parallel.
- Pressure differences resulting from height differences.
- As the fluid is returned in gaseous state, wider pipes are needed, which may reduce the advantage in quantities of material that this system ought to yield, and there is certainly an imbalance in the quantity of material surrounding the detector.
It may be concluded that before selecting the technique, full-scale tests must therefore be run.
This system is in fact based on a combination of two principles because it operates on the circulation of fluorocarbons (such as C4F10) through a primary exchanger and partial evaporation in a secondary exchanger. Temperature is function of pressure and return pipe has to be precisely calculated.
Its advantage is simplicity because there is no expansion valve requiring regulation but its effectiveness and implementation need to be tested because there is no known application.
In conclusion, and generally speaking, the use of liquids in pipework requires a certain level of care in design Figure 2-8 , irrespective of the system opted for, the airlocks Figure 2-6 in the pipes can always be a source of problems if not disaster. Incorrect calculations on the exchangers mounted in parallel can produce the same situation.
In the same way the fact that the same routes are used as power cables acts as a considerable limitation on the choice of cooling system Figure 2-7 .
Among the other problems raised is the question of potential vibration in the structure that can occur from turbulent flow through piping. Particular attention was also paid to the minimum exchange surface needed for heat transfer between the inner wall of the exchanger pipe and the fluid. The minimum diameter of the pipes would in the long run also be more governed by the surface area than by load losses.
Finally, it should not be forgotten that the more complex a system is the dearer it gets.
The situation with regard to fluids is much clearer:
-For ambient temperature systems, water is obviously the best fluid and its characteristics are known; what remains to be decided is its quality and that of its additives as function of the materials used in the circuit.
- For systems operating at -20°C , depending on the type of cooling system opted for, we can choose between water (or binary ice) with antifreeze additives (glycol, methanol, ethanol and acetone) and the fluorocarbons. If the characteristics (specific heat, density, viscosity) of the latter are available from producers, the same is not true for water and antifreeze in the same temperature range. Tests with glycol and methanol have been made at the DPNC University of Geneva and RAL Rutherford and are available (for viscosity). The same tests are due to be run with acetone at RAL. If we wish to take systematic measurements (and pay for them), V.Vacek has contacts with 2 institutes (Imperial College, London and Aristotle University, Thessaloniki) which are equipped for the purpose.
The greatest part of the work to be done is on the corrosion of pipes, because we are talking of wall thickness of just a few dozen microns that must be capable of lasting for at least 10 years.
This subject will be dealt with at a future meeting but it is already clear that a very serious study and test programme will have to be set in motion.
The message still has not gone the rounds of the collaborations since no figures have been given.
To choose a unit, the following parameters must be determined:
-Dissipated power
-Operating pressure
-Control temperature
-Permissible temperature gradient
-Degree of precision
-Fluid used
-Source of energy (refrigerator, chilled water, lake water, etc.)
It is important to recall that use of the CERN drinking water supplies for cooling is not permitted.
M.Bosteels presented a module-based system with electronic regulation produced by his section. It can be used under pressure or in leakless mode, with a refrigerator or using chilled water. Its power can reach 2kW.
Prices vary from 4 kCHF to 7 kCHF depending on the version.

This subject is very broad and it is not within the scope of the CWG to study each technology and each type of measurement. The object of the exercise is rather that those with practical experience in a measurement field and with a specific type of equipment should share it so as to avoid everyone is repeating the same mistakes. For example, a Pelton (Badge Meter PWP) turbine flow meter showed serious sealant shortcomings when it had to operate at -15°C.
Or some measurement devices cannot withstand the magnetic fields reigning in the detectors.
Moreover, many teams are developing applications using LABView and it would be interesting to share experience.
The main areas of measurement related to cooling are the following (non-exhaustive list):
-Temperature: Thermocouple, RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector), Thermistor, I.C. Sensor (Integrated Circuit Sensor)
-Pressure (absolute, relative and differential): Manometer, Piezo, Strain gauge
-Flow: Rotameter (variable area), Turbine, Vortex, Electromagnetic, Ultrasonic, Mass (Coriolis or thermal), etc…
-Level (single/multipoint, continuous): Float switch (reed, mercury), Ultrasonic, Capacitive, Conductivity, Radio-frequency, Optical, Vibration
-pH and Conductivity

- Some people are beginning to raise the question of power cable dissipation which could seriously affect temperature regulation in the detectors. More data are needed before a discussion can be embarked on.
- There is a strongly felt need for an interactive data base concerned with everything connected with heat exchange. It is a very broad subject and requires an enormous amount of work once we have the Web site.
-Some people are also interested in technological systems connected with cooling screens.
-It is proposed to enquire into all incidents connected with cooling that have occurred in the LEP experiments.

The next meeting would be held on 19/02/97, Building 40 Room RA10 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.
